Okejs : D
It wuz pretty ok. i voted 4 and you should be happy im not that kinda fan of sprite movies :D have fun with your 4 !. And work on youre graphics
Okejs : D
It wuz pretty ok. i voted 4 and you should be happy im not that kinda fan of sprite movies :D have fun with your 4 !. And work on youre graphics
If you are pointing out my really bad backgrounds there is actually a reason for it XD I did them like that becasue in all reality that's how the comics backgrounds were and I thought since im already changing some dialogue and scenes I should atleast keep the bad backgrounds =P Trust me i've done so much better than that XD
Unless this is abig hit i love it : D
Yesh !
Alright i liked the humor . But the animation was realy bad . Good try ! I 3de it so be happy : D
I liked your style and the music fits i have SH1 and never heard that song and ive beaten it ! Still i love it ! GO VAGINA !
Thanks :D I am warming to that style myself, considering I'm studying 3D animation.. :) and I can understand you never eharing the song I have all 4 games, all the soundtracks, the unofficial ripped soundtracks .. and I never remember most of them so :D. thanks again.
uuhm whell sonic had to win because he is much stronger and faster
Whel ........ IT RULED
Uhm some said that theres too much DBZ action whell actauly only the sounds :p evrything what came in this movie could be done by sonic thats how sega created these charcters whel they still rule and this animation was sweet and where did you get al that sonic adventure 2 battle music from i wanne know that :p Cya bloodynutz
Loved it :D
whel like some say some parts of dbz are stolen but i dont care :p . I love sonic and this animation ruled The voice acting was great nazo was cool and it pritty much matched with the sonic games ive playd sonic adventure couple of times and sonic did transform into super sonic with the seven chaos emarolds thats + make an ep 3 please ? :p ok cya bloodynutz
''True fact''
Wow that was pritty sad I mean .. ? evrybody has somthing else then another person so why do you call someone fat ? or too long or to small why dont ppl first look at them selfs and see whats wrong ive seen what youre trying to tell lucky he found a friend :p keep up the good work greetz blo0dynutz
Thanks, and you will see alot more from me. sorry for responding so late. :P
ZeroJ here!
Age 31, Male
Sint-Michiel leopoldsburg
Lommel , belguim
Joined on 3/2/06